The old Gin was acquired by Taylor Brothers Farms in the mid 1970's to convert to their farming headquarters. The land the Gin sat on was adjacent to the Taylor family farm they had all grown up on making it an ideal location. The vacant Gin building was perfect at the time for servicing and storing the large farm equipment while the old seed house held the cotton, corn, and soy bean seeds needed for planting season.
Brothers Bob, Bill, and Tom as well as their immediate families all shared in the responsibilities of operating a row crop and cattle farm, a trucking company, and a small feed and seed store. After many successful years, hard times fell upon their business and they were forced to sell most of their operation. But out of necessity, Bill held on to the Gin property and made it into a home for his family.
The inspirational story aired on the TV show "The American Dream" hosted by actor Eric Roberts (brother of actress Julia Roberts). Watch the link provided below!
That innovative entrepreneurial spirit has always been strong in this little place and we celebrate the "American Dream". We are so proud of the success of Hometown Lenders and the charitable work they do through Mission Firefly and most recently their support provided to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, and Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children.