The shiny silver tin covered General Store building was built around 1899. Early on, locals would come by horse and buggy to deliver cotton to the gin and stop in to purchase dry goods that ranged from corn meal to corn cob pipes. Some came by just to hang out on the front porch and enjoy an RC and a MoonPie.
For some time, it was the areas Post Office and had the only available telephone (crank style) to use in case of emergencies. Legend has it that there was a lot of talk on that front porch about that neighbor across the street and his crazy idea of building a "flying machine".
The store later served as an Antique Shop called "Desirable Junk" where Mrs. Cremelt Spelce displayed her world class doll collection. If the mood hit him, Mr. Buck Spelce would show off his talent of playing the spoons. After a ~75 year run, it closed for business in the 1970's.
In 2014, The Taylor's bought the building which became the first piece of their venue plan puzzle. They began slowly restoring it and now the original Hump General Store is open for business as MoonPie John's Mercantile! It offers unique gifts and local crafts, vintage candy & treats, fresh coffee, ice cream, cold bottled soda pops, and other surprises. You can even have a great lunch at our "Full of Baloney Cafe". While you and your guests are hanging out at the Gin, stop by and shop around!